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CFD Analysis

As worldwide temperatures rise, global weather patterns are following suit. Wind, or wind power, is one of the most critically affected factors of changing weather patterns. While global warming has some experts hypothesizing that wind strength across the world will decrease, others claim it will intensify in the Southern hemisphere while weakening in the Northern, along with various other schools of thought. As it is still too soon to determine the true consequences of global warming, wind pattern changes are already upon us. This poses a number of problems including decreasing the amount of power generated by wind farms, along with increasing conscientious construction of buildings that are experiencing fluctuating wind velocities. As this problem progresses, wind engineering is becoming an extremely important consideration for engineers, city planners, and architects alike.

Computational wind engineering (CWE) combines structural and mechanical engineering with meteorology and applied physics to study the effects of wind. Through analyses, the behaviour and consequences of wind force can be evaluated in both the natural and built environments in urban landscapes and beyond.

One can determine if your building design is up to coding standards like ASHRAE 55 if the average wind velocity will negatively interfere with your buildings’ natural frequency and if the planned structure is safe for pedestrians or creates too much vortex shedding. Due to the nature of the online platform, you can easily adjust and improve your designs for quicker iterations and an overall faster design process than physical prototyping alternatives.

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